Aqua/Water/Eau is simply the term used for water in cosmetic formulations. It's primarily used as a solvent in cosmetics, meaning it's used to dissolve many of the other ingredients that make up a product. When you see Aqua/Water/Eau listed in the ingredients of a product, it's typically referring to purified water - free of toxins, pollutants and microbes.
Most cosmetics contain a large amount of water (often 70-80% of the total), making it the most commonly used ingredient in such products. The water used in cosmetics can be of different types, such as distilled water, mineral water, or thermal water, which all offer various properties and benefits.
Here are some of the key functions of water in cosmetic products:
- Solvent: As mentioned, water acts as a solvent for many ingredients, helping to dissolve them and make a homogeneous solution.
- Humectant: Water also acts as a humectant, meaning it helps to retain or preserve moisture. This is why it's often used in products like moisturizers, lotions, and creams.
- Diluent: Water is used as a diluent to reduce the concentration of other ingredients. This is particularly useful when dealing with potent substances that might cause irritation or other issues if used undiluted.
- Carrier: Water can act as a carrier, helping to spread other ingredients across the skin.
- Rehydration: Water can also rehydrate dry or dehydrated skin and hair, providing a feeling of freshness and comfort.